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Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_rcapNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Voting_barNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_lcap 
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_rcapNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Voting_barNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_lcap 
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_rcapNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Voting_barNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_lcap 
ahmad alsaudy
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_rcapNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Voting_barNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_lcap 
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_rcapNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Voting_barNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_lcap 
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_rcapNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Voting_barNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_lcap 
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_rcapNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Voting_barNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_lcap 
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_rcapNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Voting_barNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_lcap 
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_rcapNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Voting_barNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_lcap 
ammar hamour
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_rcapNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Voting_barNorton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Vote_lcap 

المواضيع الأخيرة
» دروس تعليم Visual Basic بالصوت والصوره
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 26, 2009 8:21 am من طرف kid

» كلام الحب قبل وبعد
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 01, 2009 3:41 pm من طرف ammar hamour

» رمضانيات على الكل
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 31, 2009 7:46 am من طرف JOKER

» استعمال كلمة(حيوان)للسب
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Emptyالأحد أغسطس 30, 2009 12:49 am من طرف ammar hamour

» الرحيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــل
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Emptyالثلاثاء يونيو 16, 2009 11:17 pm من طرف JOKER

» عشرة أشياء لن يسألك الله عنها
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Emptyالسبت فبراير 14, 2009 1:33 pm من طرف ود الفاتكان

» ارض الـــــــحـــكــم
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Emptyالجمعة فبراير 06, 2009 1:40 am من طرف kid

» الــــــــــــحـــــــــــــكـــــــــــمـــــه
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Emptyالأربعاء فبراير 04, 2009 11:38 am من طرف kid

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Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable

اذهب الى الأسفل

Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Empty Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable

مُساهمة من طرف JOKER الجمعة يوليو 18, 2008 3:39 pm

Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable 0342c9a7b54450830e9727b98f8e3cb7

الوصف: برنامج شهير في تجزئة وتغيير حجوم أقسام الهارد بدون فقدان اي بيانات ، ويستطيع أستعادة النظام في حال حصول أي إنهيار.والكثير من الميزات.
البرنامج يعمل من فلفلاشة.

الميزات الرئيسية:

Symantec's Norton PartitionMagic™ 8.0 lets you easily organize your hard drive by creating, resizing, copying, and merging disk partitions.

Separate your operating system, applications, documents, music, photos, games, and backup files to reduce the risk of data loss if your system crashes.

You can also use multiple partitions to run different operating systems safely and efficiently.

BootMagic. A piece of software that is loaded each time that a PC is booted.

The software allows the user to select which operating system to run on a multiple boot system.

Key Features:

- Divides a single hard drive into two or more partitions

- Lets you safely run multiple operating systems on the same PC

- BootMagic™ makes it easy to switch between different operating systems

- Allows you to copy, move, resize, split, or merge partitions as neededwithout losing data

- How-to wizards guide you step by step through the partitioning process

- Intuitive Windows®-based browser lets you find, copy and paste files in both Windows and Linux® partitions

- Allows you to create and modify partitions up to 300 GB*

- Supports USB 2.0, USB 1.1, and FireWire® external drives**

- Supports FAT, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2, and Ext3 file systems

- Converts partitions among FAT, FAT32, and NTFS without losing data

- Allows you to enlarge an NTFS partition without restarting your computer

- Resizes NTFS system clusters to the most effective size

* Supports operations on partition sizes as large as 300 GB when partition is less than 90% full. Larger hard drives may require additional memory.

** For these devices, operation on partitions with no open files.

الحجم: 8.22 MB





عدد الرسائل : 153
العمر : 39
الموقع :
العمل/الترفيه : NONE
المزاج : COOL
طموحى :
Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Left_bar_bleue80 / 10080 / 100Norton Partition Magic 8.0 Portable Right_bar_bleue

نقاط : 12042
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/06/2008

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